Day 1: January 07, 2025


10:00AM - 10:30AM

Mitti Stuti and Inauguration of Swaraj Exhibition

10:30AM - 11:45AM

Plenary Session

Samudayik Swaraj (Community Sovereignty) principles and its linkages with Sustainability/SDGs

11:45AM - 12:15PM

Networking Tea

12:15PM - 02:15PM

Thematic Session 1

Mitigating Climate Change through agroecological and energy practices

12:15PM - 12:30PM

12:30PM - 12:45PM

Session Moderator

12:45PM - 02:15PM

Parallel Session

Sovereignty components of seed, soil, water, and energy as a Pathway to ClimateResilient Agriculture

12:45PM - 02:15PM

Parallel Session

Exploring Climate Solutions through Water and Soil Health in Tribal Ecosystems

12:45PM - 02:15PM

Parallel Session

Civil society action for innovations community driven solutions for ClimateResilient Agriculture

12:45PM - 02:15PM

Parallel Session

Scoping Policy actions for adoption of agroecological movement as sustainability and climate resilient community

02:15PM - 03:15PM


03:15PM - 06:00PM

Thematic Session 2

Cultural and social well-being through circular lifestyle of Indigenous Communities

03:15PM - 03:30PM

03:30PM - 03:45PM

Session Moderator

03:45PM - 05:15PM

Parallel Session

Capturing components of circular living practices and achiving climate resilience livleihoods

03:45PM - 05:15PM

Parallel Session

Reimagining and reviving community and individual sovereignty actions of circular living for Climate Resilient Development Pathway

03:45PM - 05:15PM

Parallel Session

Exploring the Intersection of Circular Living within Indigenous practices for Social, Economical, Cultural and Governance as part of climate resilient sustainability

03:45PM - 05:15PM

Parallel Session

Multistakeholder joint action for indigenous practices and processes at local, regional, and national agenda

05:15PM - 06:00PM


Consolidation (presentation by moderators) and Closing of Day 1

06:00PM - 08:00PM

Cultural Evening/Videos documentaries - followed by Dinner